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All About The Remarkable Rho Psi Chapter

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated has had a presence on Xavier University’s campus since the 1980’s but it was not until 1999 that a chapter was chartered. The goal of establishing a chapter was a dream of Dr. Ann Richburg, Sigma Omega chapter, who has acted as graduate advisor for Xavier University since the first initiates of 1990. The thirteen members who brought Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority to Xavier in 1990 were: Lei-Ling Brown, Ruseal Brewer, Linda Goreed, Crystal Graham, Shelly Harris, Aisha Howard, Dawn Lewis, Agretta Mason, Deasa Nichols, Leslie Patterson, Gina Spear, Tonja White and Cheryl Williamson. In 1991 two members were initiated: Leslie Baynes and Sherri Barnett.


On April 11, 1999, fourteen members were initiated into Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., under Sigma Omega Chapter with Dr. Ann Richburg as graduate advisor and Linda Tooson, President, Sigma Omega Chapter. The fourteen members included: Marie Bolton, Germarquerita Brown, Tomica Chitterson, Tikisha Davidson, LaShundra Dixon, Tamra Greer, Shasta Hill, Elissa Hopson, Marian Johnson, Leslie Knox, Chinina Lyle, Melissa Pratt, Caprese Siler, and Charssie Willis.


On December 11, 1999, Rho Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Xavier University was established. The twelve charter members of Rho Psi chapter are Marie Bolton, Tomica Chitterson, Tikisha Davidson, LaShundra Dixon, Tamra Greer, Shasta Hill, Ellisa Hopson, Chinina Lyle, Melissa Pratt, Caprese Siler, Jackie Thurman and Charssie Willis.​

Scholarship. Sisterhood. Service.



We have received many awards for our exemplary service and programs. To name a few: 

  • “Most Outstanding Chapter” Award in Great Lakes Region consecutively 2010-2013

  •  First Place for “Outstanding Programs” in the Great Lakes Region 

  • Received the Regional Directors Award for exemplary performance every year since 2010

  • Muskie Award's "Cultural Program of the Year"

  • First place for the Ann Colbert Battles, A Helping Hand

  • Second place for the Rachel Ashburn Mallory Award, Outstanding Membership

  • Our pervious president Kylah Coleman received, First place for the Altha C. Brown, Outstanding Undergrad President (twice) and Second Place for the newest award, Carrie J. Clark, Rise Up Award

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